Today, I walked into my office like any other today. But today, someone else had been in my office first...
How did I know? They left a clue:
XD SO ADORABLE! It spells out my name and everything!
I was talking to Miriam on Friday and had mentioned that my birthday was on Monday, I guess she decided I needed an army of cupcakes! Such a great surprise. I love my co-workers! The card was super cute too... I think it's made of fabric or something... it doesn't feel like normal paper.
The cupcakes are not only adorable and creative, but absolutely delicious as well, in case you were wondering. I ate the one on the end with the little <3 flag first. Now I need to decide how to devour my name... I'm thinking of starting with the A. If it were shaped like an animal, I'd have to bite the head off first, it's just the rules... but since it's a name, I think I'll eat it from end to beginning, keep it recognizable as long as possible... Ok, so I'm severely bizarre; your point?
When I got home I went for a run, and you'll never believe it but I managed to jog, not walk briskly or alternate between kinda running and depressing limps, but full out jog for a whole episode of How I Met Your Mother without stopping, or dying of an asthma attack! I've found my exercise muse; television. And people say it's making America fat, puh-leez! I suppose it's partially because I'm used to watching TV with no image that it works for me. I used to stay up way later than my parents thought I was listening to the Gilmore Girls on Global TV once I discovered that my radio can pick it up at the lowest band of the dial. But I digress. A full 20 minutes of proper jogging without immediate ill effects! Go me! It was followed by another 20 minutes of walking briskly and jogging intermittently, yet another episode of HIMYM.
Then, when I was home from my jog, I made myself some smoked salmon pasta, which left something to be desired but still, smoked salmon is delicious! And then ate some of my Ben & Jerry's Phish Food. Mmmm.... The Phish is Delish! ^_^
I also shared some of my cupcakes with Katie and Faye. They're too good to keep to myself! ... I think I should convince Miriam to give me that recipe... I won't say they're better than Heather's, but maybe I just haven't had cupcakes in a little too long :P
But look at that! There's even a heart made of sparkly sugar on a couple of them! Awwwww!
But look at that! There's even a heart made of sparkly sugar on a couple of them! Awwwww!
They did look a little nicer in the office though... Transport wasn't great for them. Nor was my relentless picking at the edges of the icing for just one more hit of the sugary sweet.
Anyways, it's well past my bed time. I think it's time to hit the hay... or eat myself into a sugar shock. Decisions, decisions!
Haha I did the same with, kind of, jogging! My legs are so strong from all the stairs here and the extra walking. I did hardcore eliptical for 20 mins straight, I was proud. But I do get a massive calf charlie horse every morning so its a trade up....