Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dippy Jones Across The Pond: Day 22 - Movies movies movies!

Backstory: I don't think I got a chance to mention it because of London eating up my life over the weekend, but Nina didn't wind up going home as was expected. Instead, the Icelandic volcano wound up grounding her flight, which isn't really that difficult given she's flying Air Iceland (she booked her ticket in like, January, so she had no way to know). So she's actually going home on the 26th.

Actual story: Last night, Nina, Fanny, Oliver and I went to see a movie together. I've decided that while I'm here, I'm going to go to the movies every Tuesday night (that's the cheap night, I can get in for £5). While Nina's here however, our movie choices are limited to things which will not scare her or make her cry (too much; She cried at UP, so, we need to be generous with our threshold). So last night it was decided that we would go see the Back-Up Plan.

I suppose it wasn't *that* bad. I mean I was able to sit through it. But here's the thing, I have terrible taste in movies. My love for Hackers, the first Transformers movie (I draw the line at the second... it just made me dizzy) and the different comic book franchise movies that have become so popular make me doubt my credentials as a film student. We're supposed to have good taste in movies. Then I see something like the Back Up Plan, which reaffirms to me that yes, I can detect a bad movie, and no, my taste in films isn't nearly as omnivorous and indiscriminate as my taste in music (yeah, O-Town!). So here's the thing about the Back Up Plan that was probably the biggest failure in my eyes; I didn't get the motivations of the characters, despite the heavy-handed internal monologue at the beginning of the film they used to try and explain her side. So he meets her peripherally like, twice; then is sooooo happy to see her when she shows up at the farmers market that he starts following her like a lost puppy dog and making the greatest number of grand romantic gestures I think I've ever seen jammed into the first half of a movie ever? :/ erm.... oook....

Not to mention the most bizarre, and might I say slightly contrived, career paths/combinations I've seen. And the super-upfront-about-it, telling-instead-of-showing personal baggage he has.

Also, almost all the funny bits from the trailer, were cut out of the film. You could see where they were meant to be, it was like they were the punchlines, so you had to have seen the trailer to complete the jokes.

Before the movie, I had spent the entire evening in the Laundrette getting my laundry done, and when we got home from the movie, I found 3 photos from Jon's latest modelling photoshoot waiting on my computer for me. They were such a welcome thing, and so excellent, that I pieced together the three photos into a desktop wallpaper for myself before I went to sleep.

I left my computer running overnight, running a process that should hopefully increase the amount of free-space I have on my harddrives. But when I woke up this morning, I had forgotten what my project the previous night had been, and when I minimized one of the larger windows on my screen I was greeted by my adorable boyfriend, much more to my surprise than it should have been. What a great way to start my day!

<3 ^.^ <3

... I miss him so bad...

1 comment:

  1. have you thought about making a book about your journeys? maybe a video about traveling with dippy jones!!! her name is jones, Dippy Jones. traveling the world and sharing it with you!!! cause I feel like I'm traveling with you. I enjoy coming back to this site over and over again!!!
