Friday, May 14, 2010

Dippy Jones Across the Pond: Day 17 - In Which Everything Electronic Hates Me

Now you may not realize this, but travelling makes everything go wrong.

I didn't have a single problem, with my computer, with my email, with anything. Then I came here.

The problems started before I'd even left. A week before I'm due to leave, my World of Warcraft account, on which I cancelled my recurring subscription because I have no desire to play it while I'm in England, was perma-banned. Or so the website claimed. It said "This account has been permanently disabled" cue me: o.O uh, what?

So after some back and forth with the Blizz, I found out that my account had been hacked and I needed to jump through some hoops to get it back. So I wiped my add-on file, which for someone who's been the add-on queen in every guild she's ever been a part of is kind of a big deal, and started jumping. As a result I had to change every, single, password I have. Not a fun task, and as each one had to different, quite the creative exercise! But long story short, my jumping was deemed adequate, and about a week into my British sojourn, they gave me a password reset and restored all the items to my characters (I guess the hacker* had gone through every toon I had on Azshara and auctioned/vendored every possession)... I really need/want an authenticator now, but that'll have to wait until I'm back in Canada.

Now you'd think the story would end there, but oh if only! As a result of resetting every single online password I had, I mixed up my banking one! So I'm sitting in the UK, where there are no TD branches for me to visit, with nothing but telephone numbers that wouldn't work. Luckily, as I work in the international office, we apparently have a good cheap international call plan, so they let me call TD's local number directly (yay CIED being awesome!) and now, it's all sorted out! I can finally do all sorts of fun things, like pay my credit card bill! *gasp!* OMGSOEXCITED! *eyeroll...*

So knock on wood, fingers crossed, that is the only excitement of this unfortunate kind I have while abroad.

In other news, Google Analytics is now successfully up and running on my blog, so I can know that people are visiting, even if no one is commenting :P

*Note: I hate calling someone who has basically just guessed my password a hacker, because it demeans the beautiful, and ethical, work actual hackers do; at most, this person is a cracker (as in, one who cracks passwords). I love hackers, and wish I had their expertise. 

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