Friday, April 30, 2010

Dippy Jones Across the Pond: Day 2 - Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work I go!

First day of work!

Everyone here is so nice! It's great. They have a lot they want me to do, but they realize that they may be asking too much. There are about... 20? ish? promotional videos they want me to make. I'll do my best, but I don't know that I can realistically do them all. I mean, granted they are a little more assembly line than the videos I do at school, but still; second year we made 4 films, and that took the whole year! So I'm worried I may not be all they hoped.

They've apparently had another intern(?) here, from YorkU. He's graduated, but he was a Don in Tatham Hall, so we have a lot of shared acquaintances. Here, he works at the KPA. His name is Ron, and he's been here for a few months making the videos I thought I was coming here to make (educational videos for the inter-cultural communications class).

I got a bit of a broader tour of campus today, again from Nina. I had coffee a couple of times at Le Cafe (creative naming at it's finest, eh?). And we went to the store room in the basement.

What a treasure trove that place must be at the start of the year! Basically, they have this room full of housewares, etc, that international students leave behind for other students to use in the coming year. There are pots and pans, blow-driers, radios, sheets, pillows, glasses, cutlery, plates! It was all a little picked over because school's in session atm, but I still got a few good pieces!

Also found out how the internet works in halls. I'm glad I brought that Ethernet cable! I'm totally psychic! You need to plug into the wall and connect to a server with your student username thing and password. It's all fairly strange. But hey, when in Rome? You also only get 1GB per day, which is totally doable, but I dunno... I prefer weekly allowances, they allow you to be more flexible; for instance, if I'm too busy working to ever use my GB each day, and then spend my Sunday watching Doctor Who on BBC's iPlayer, I'm not sacrificing my ability to talk to Jon over Skype. But with this daily allowance, it's either talk with Jon for a few hours (using up my 1GB limit in about 3 hrs?) or watch Doctor Who (the 1GB limit allows you to watch 1hr 30minutes of streaming TV and NOTHING ELSE.) Ugh, it's really rather lame. Once you've hit your limit, you're cut off until midnight. You can access anything that's on the network, but nothing else; so at least you can send emails (my Keele email is, btw).

Anyways, that's all for now!

Ciao amici!

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